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Isotropic Finishing

Isotropic Finishing

  • No metallurgical degradations such as hydrogen embrittlement and/or intergranular corrosion.
  • Increased resistance to contact fatigue and bending fatigue.
  • Generates surfaces up to Ra 0.025. That’s the best we’ve done.
  • Increased allowable power density.
  • Elimination of micro-pitting.
  • Increased scuffing resistance.
  • Reduced friction and wear.
  • Increased lubricant performance.
Isotropic Finishing
Working Method
Process Progression
Why Perform IF

Periodic vs. Isotropic

Isotropic Surfaces: Forming Mechanism

How are they formed ?

– “Random” motion processes

    ➢ CAVF, abrasive tumbling, drag finishing, etc.

– Can be purely abrasive (mechanical) or chemical mechanical

– Utilize “media” of some sort to impart rubbing force onto the surface of the component

Random Motion Generating Equipment

– Vibratory Tubs or Bowls

– Centrifugal Disc Machines

– Drag Finishers

Processing Media

– Numerous potential compositions

    ➢ Abrasive or non-abrasive

    ➢ Ceramic, porcelain, plastic, metal

– Numerous potential shapes and sizes

    ➢ Cylinders, wedges, triangles, tristars, cones, tetrahedrones

    ➢ Angle cut or straight cut edges

    ➢ <1 mm in size or > 75 mm

What is Isotropic Finishing?

– Finishing Proces

– Isotropic finish Process

    ➢ Creates flat surfaces

    ➢ For metal components

    ➢ Ferrous Steels (Inc. Pyrowear 53 & AISI 9310), Titanium, Inconel/Nimonic’s Nickel Alloys, Stainless Steels

Produces Surfaces Ra <0.1µm (<0.075µm)

    ➢ Creates unique non-directional Micro-Texture

Maintains Geometry



How does Isotropic Finishing Work ?

IF Process –

  ➢ Chemical & mechanical process

Utilises –

  ➢ Vibratory equipment

  ➢ High density, non-abrasive ceramic media or media mix.

  ➢ Two stage chemical process

Vibratory Machine

– Creates the energy for the process

    ➢ Off Set weights generate centrifugal

    ➢ Generates vibration

– Acts as reaction vessel

Non-Abrasive, Media


    – Off Set weights generate centrifugal inertia

        ➢ Aluminium Oxide

        ➢ Polyester Resin

   – Can comprise of mixtures

        ➢ Composition, size and shape

Removes the metal.

   – Vibrator causes media to roll

   – Media rubs over component

Cannot remove metal without chemical!

Chemical Refinement

– Weak Acids

– Acts as a catalyst

        ➢ Aluminium Oxide

Media Motion in Bowls

Material Removal Mechanism

Salt Layer – Anion & Iron

Surface as machined

Chemical reacts forming soft conversion coating on outer surface

Media removes soft coating, revealing base metal

Exposed metal reconverts and process continues

Conversion coating removed creating a bright surface finish

Isotropic Finishing – Process Progression

Ground Surface

– Directional Grind Lines

– Distressed Metal

– Periodic Texture

Partial Planarization

– Elimination of peak asperities

– Removal of distressed metal

– Reduction in periodic texture

Primary Planarization

– Removal of most “valleys”

– Increased “flatness”

– Significant isotropic zones

Isotropic Finish

– Removal of all “valleys”

– Complete planarization

– Fully isotropic surface

Why Perform Isotropic finishing ?

Summary of Benefits

Increased Resistance to Contact Fatigue
~3x Lifecycle Increases – NASA Contact Fatigue Evaluation, X53 Spur Gears
Elimination of Micropitting
No Micropitting or Profile Form Deviation in FZG testing – University of Bochum
Increased Scuffing Resistance
~2x applied Scuffing Load without Scuffing – Cardiff University
Increased Power Density Allowable
~42% Increased Power Density Allowable – Pratt & Whitney Patent WO 2007/0646330
Reduced Friction
Elimination of Initial Break-In Cycle – Falex 3 Ball on Flat Testing
Increased Lubricant Performance
32 – 53° C Lubricant Temperature Reduction – Arizona Truck Technical Center, Hot Weather Testing
Reduced Wear
45% reduced Iron Content in Oil post 100,000 miles – New York City Taxi Fleet Study
Increased Resistance to Bending Fatigue
~5% Increase in Resistance to Bending Fatigue – University of Newcastle STBF Test
Ease of Implementation
Does not affect Component Geometry, Heat Treatment (including Nitriding), or Metallurgy

Chemically Accelerated: What does it mean?

Chemically Accelerated Isotropic finishing

– Utilizes “active” chemistry

    ➢ Generates a self-limiting, soft conversion coating

    ➢ Lowersrequired force to refine the surface

– Mechanism:

    ➢ Conversion coating is removed by non-abrasive media

    ➢ Conversion coating reformsin the processing appartus

    ➢ Surface is gently refined

The IF Process

Micro-Textures the Surface

Maintains Component Geometry

Can Produce Surface Finishes Ra < 0.05 µm (2 µin), Rz < 0.2 µm (8 µin)

Can Process Nitrided Components

Does Not Affect Component Metallurgy, Compressive Stress, or Hardness

➢ Cycle Time ~2 – 4 hours
➢ Ra < 0.1 µm
      – Lower roughness achievable pending processing parameters
➢ Applications:
     – Gears, Turbine Blades, Bearings, and many more
➢ Automatable
➢ Batch Process, High Volume Capability


IF: General Capabilities

Applicable Metals
– Carbon Steels, Stainless Steels, Exotic Steels
   Examples: SAE 9310, AMS 6308 (Pyrowear® 53), 300 & 400 seriesstainless steel, AMS 6517 (Ferrium® C61), AMS 6509 (Ferrium® C64)
– Nickel-based Superalloys & Titanium Alloys
Applicable Heat Treatments
– Through Hardening
– Case Carburization
– Nitriding
– Induction Hardening

The Rapid IF Process

Cycle Time ~5 – 10 minutes
Ra < 0.25 µm
  – Lower roughness achievable pending processing parameters
  – Ring & Pinion, TransmissionGears, Engine Components
Fully Automatable
Low WIP, High Volume Capability

Pitting: IF, Ground/Honed, & Mirror-Polished

Rolling/Sliding Contact Fatigue

Sample Contact Stress (ksi) Test Duration (million cycles) Failure Mode
Ground/Honed Baseline
#1 400 3,6 Pitted
#2 400 4.2 Pitted
#3 400 3.5 Pitted
Abral #1 400 44.0 Pitted
Abral #2 425 1.0 Plastic Flow
ISF #1 400 20.0 No Failure
Same specimen and load roller tested at each stress level. 425 20.0 No Failure
sequentially 450 22,4 No Failure
Cumulative Result 400-450 62.4 No Failure
ISF #2 400 5.0* No Failure
Same specimen and load roller tested at each stress level. 425 5.0* No Failure
sequentially 450 20.0 No Failure
Cumulative Result 400-450 30.0 No Failure

Ra’s = Ground/Honed ~0.25 µm; ISF <0.04 µm; Abral <0.04 µm (mirror)

Pitting: Ground and IF

Pitting Fatigue Testing – X53 Spur Gears

Ra’s = Ground 0.23 – 0.30 µm; ISF 0.05 – 0.076 µm

Micro pitting: Ground and IF

FZG Micropitting Testing – Load Stage

Ra’s = Ground 0.42 – 0.52 µm; ISF 0.07 – 0.13 µm

FZG Micropitting Testing – Endurance

Ra’s = Ground 0.42 – 0.52 µm; ISF 0.07 – 0.13 µm

Scuffing: ISF, Zinc Chip, and Ground

Twin Disk Scuffing Testing

*No scuffing occurred even after a 30 minute endurance cycle at maximum load
Twin Disc Scuffing Testing Isotropic Finished (Micro-Texture) Isotropic Finished (Zink Chips) As Ground
Test 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3
Scuffing Load @ Failure (N) 4150* 4150* 4150* 4150 3452 2320 2320 2320
Maximum Bulk Temperature of Fast Disc (°C) 187 Error 168 201 199 189 197 204
Maximum Bulk Temperature of Slow Disc (°C) 154 152 142 153 144 190 176 178
Average Bulk Temperature of Discs (C) 170 n/a 155 177 171.5 189.5 186.5 191

Ra’s = ISF (Micro-Texture) 0.0285 – 0.0366µm, Zinc Chips <0.1 µm, Ground 0.4 µm

Scuffing: IF and Mirror-Polished

Twin Disk Scuffing Testing

*No scuffing occurred even after a 30 minute endurance cycle at maximum load

Twin Disc Scuffing TestingIsotropic Finished (Micro-Texture)Isotropic Finished (Mirror-Polished)
Scuffing Load @ Failure (N)4150*4150*4150*34503450
Maximum Bulk Temperature of Fast Disc (°C)187Error168152149
Maximum Bulk Temperature of Slow Disc (°C)154152142125124
Average Bulk Temperature of Discs (C)170n/a155138136

Ra’s = ISF (Micro-Texture) 0.0285 – 0.0366 µm, Mirror-Polished 0.0156– 0.0193 µm

Loss of Lubricant: IF

Rolling Sliding Contact Fatigue, Loss of Lubricant Testing

Test SpecimenContact Stress (ksi)Test Duration (minutes)Result
SAE 9310H40030No Failure

Ra’s = ISF <0.04 µm Specimen >30 million cycles prior to testing

Extreme Conditions: IF

Bell Helicopter 427 Main Rotor Gearbox (MRGB)

– Low Oil Pressure
    ➢10 – 15 psig below specified minimum
– High Temperature Testing
    ➢15 – 20 ⁰F above specified maximum
– Both = 30 minute tests@ 550 hp & 6,000 RPM
No Scoring or Contact Fatigue
from Extreme Condition Testing
Ra’s = ISF (Micro-Texture) 0.0381 – 0.157 µm, AverageRa = 0.091 µm

Loss of Lubricant: IF

FARDS MRGB Demonstrator Testing

– 3 gearbox designs (bearing variations) subjected to “loss-of lubricant” testing
     ➢ PEEK Bearing Cages
     ➢ Steel Bearing Cages with Heat Pipes
     ➢Steel Bearing Cages without Heat Pipes
– ISF Process was used on all gears
     ➢Publicly acknowledgedat presentation

FARDS MRGB Demonstrator Testing

– PEEK Bearing Cages
    ➢ PEEK Melted at 40 minutes of operation
    ➢ Some signs of scuffing/discoloration
    ➢ Gears showed no signs of surface damage based on MPI
– Steel Bearing Cages with Heat Pipes
    ➢ Test suspended at 73 minutes due to rapid temperature increases
    ➢ Evidence of scuffing, but overall gears in good condition
– Steel Bearing Cages without Heat Pipes
    ➢ Test suspended at 85 minutes due to rapid temperature increases
    ➢ Evidence of scuffing, but overall gears in good condition


Aerospace Industry


Automotive Industry

Decorative Industry

Medical Industry

Power Generation Industry

Motorsport Industry

Military Industry

Off Highway Industry

Metal Additive Industry

Example Components