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Roller Brushes Type 421

Roller brushes Type 421 without a sub-body are defined as having a body length longer than 100 mm (for brushes shorter than 100 mm, see “Circular brushes”). The comprehensive range of dimensions, core materials, fill materials and fill configurations demonstrates the versability of Obtuz again and again. But you should bear in mind that often a brush with a standard core diameter is more reasonable in price and can be supplied much quicker. The brush cores can be produced with plain bores for shaft mounting, as well as with keyways, dowel pin holes, internal or external threads and reducing bushes. In case of those special requests we would like to ask you to send us a drawing or simply discuss your requirements with our technical consultant.
The max. circumferential speed for this brush type is 15 m/sec.

Fill material densities:
High fill density EA1, normal fill density EA2, low fill density EA3.
Fill configurations:
In addition to a full fill configuration in three densities, we also produce circular brushes with a spiral fill EB and linear fill ED1.