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Roller Brushes Type 422

The brush cores are made of special reinforced polypropylene making them light, resistant to acids and alkalis and suitable for use in the food industry. The range of options is extensive. All in all we offer seven standard core diameters with three fill density variations each: low, medium, and high – making a total of twenty one standard cores to choose from. Almost all fill material qualities can be used.
To assemble a complete roller brush is remarkably quick an easy as it does not involve any complicated mechanical connections, simply slide the brush segments on to the brush shaft and secure them in position with two locking collars.
By standarding the sizes of our brush cores we are able to offer lower unit prices and faster delivery times. But the fact that our brush carrier sizes are standardised certainly does not mean that the choice we offer is limited.

If required the standard internal bore diameter of the brush segments and locking collars can easily be reduced by fitting adaptor bushes. In the ST-System all brush cores have a standard length of 100 mm measured in each case from the centre of the trapezoidal teeth and the end locking collars are 25 mm long.
Non-standard overall lengths can be achieved by shortening a brush core. This one can then be fixed directly to the shaft or secured with plain locking collars.
Fill material densities:
high fill density EA1, normal fill density EA2, low fill density EA3.

Fill configurations
In addition to a fill configuration in three densities, we also produce circular brushes with a spiral fill EB and linear fill ED1.